
Keine Ankündigung bisher.

Tag 114

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    Tag 114

    Der letzte Gedanke bevor Euer Prota einschläft ist:
    Nein das war ich nicht.
    Ach so, das!
    Ja, das war ich.



    S: Verdammt, in 6 Stunden muss ich wieder aufstehen.
    B: Susi ...
    M: Ich wünschte, sie wäre hier.
    Nur registrierte Nutzer können diesen Inhalt sehen.
    Ich arbeite dran ...


    • Lia Roger
      Lia Roger kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      Arme*r S (Susi?), ich versteh dich. Und dann werden es 5 Stunden ... 4 ... 3 ...

    • Jane Doe
      Jane Doe kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      Ja Susi
      Ich verstehe sie auch. Mir geht's selbst oft so

    Cale: Waaaait, why did I say that earlier today? I've embarrassed myself again. Why do I have to make a fool of myself every time I open my mouth ... That came out wrong.
    Charlie: One sheep .... two sheep ... three sheep ... oh, ow. Poor sheep. That must have hurt. Kinda stupid to try and jump over a fence when you're this drunk though ... Hmmmmm .... I could really use a drink just about now.
    Rosita: Ugh, why didn't I do the paperwork today ... tomorrow's gonna kill me. Oh, wait, it's because past Rosita was lazy and I had to do yesterday's paperwork today, so I probably won't be able to do today's and tomorrow's paperwork tomorrow and so the cycle will continue because I was lazy once.
    René: Shut up, stupid birds, I'm trying to sleep. No, actually don't shut up. This is kinda soothing. Just tone it down a bit, will you? I can hear there are enough potential partners nearby, you really don't have to scream your lungs out like that.
    Lucifer: If I fall asleep now, I'll get four hours of sleep. But knowing me, I'll probably need about half an hour to an hour to fall asleep if I start trying really hard just about now. Some extra strong coffee will take me through the press conference tomorrow, and I could take a nap at around noon when everyone is on their lunch break. But what if I need more than an hour to fall asleep, sleep through my alarm and miss the press conference ... Aaaahhh. Go to sleep, idiot brain!
    Nur registrierte Nutzer können diesen Inhalt sehen.
    There are many ways to make music.



      Vielleicht morgen, ... bestimmt morgen, ganz sicher. Morgen wird es sein, ja bestimmt, nicht wahr?
      Nur registrierte Nutzer können diesen Inhalt sehen.


        Sergej: Morgen knacke ich den high score!

        Jaschek: Ich hasse Morgen!

        Arik: Hoffentlich ist morgen das Licht wieder an.
        Nur registrierte Nutzer können diesen Inhalt sehen.
        Nein das war ich nicht.
        Ach so, das!
        Ja, das war ich.



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