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Freitagsinfusion #109: Ei, Ei, Ei!

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    Freitagsinfusion #109: Ei, Ei, Ei!

    Ja, zugegeben, das war aufgrund dessen, dass heut Karfreitag ist, eine erwartbare Vorgabe. Aber warum nicht?

    Schreibt eine Szene, in der eure Charaktere Eier suchen müssen. Oder wollen. Oder dürfen. Ob für Ostern oder [fügt hier vergleichbaren Brauch in eurer Welt ein] oder nicht, ist euch überlassen
    Wartest du dort hinterm Horizont? Schmiegt die Erde sich so müde an das Himmelreich? Sturm zieht auf mit dunkler Wolkenfront. Ganz egal wie schnell ich lauf, der Abstand bleibt doch gleich. Die alte Sehnsucht ist mein einziger Begleiter. Und trotzdem steh ich auf und gehe taumelnd weiter. — ASP, Ziel

    "Das war mal was Neues." Feist, vom Scheitel bis zur Hüfte mit Blut besudelt, starrte auf die Brust seines Patienten, in der ein tiefes Loch klaffte.
    Tier stieß mit dem Gewehrlauf das glitschige Ding an, das zusammengeringelt und von einigen Kugeln durchsiebt auf dem Boden des verwüsteten Rettungswagens lag. Zögernd beugte er sich hinunter und hob es am Schwanz auf.
    "Was zur Hölle ist das?"
    "Ein Alien", flüsterte Kid.
    "Ein Alien. Wie in dem Film. Sie reifen in Wirtskörpern, dann brechen sie heraus und entwickeln sich in ihre adulte Form."
    "Das war ein Film. Die existieren nicht in der Realität."
    "Für mich sieht das verdammt real aus", bemerkte Scratch und stubste den baumelnden Kadaver an.
    "Und der Patient ist auch verdammt real tot", ergänzte Feist.
    "Das Ding aber auch." Yokai betrachtete es mit schräggelegtem Kopf. "Das sollte keine Probleme mehr machen."
    "Ich weiß nicht." Kid blickte nervös von einem zum anderen. "Wo es herkommt, gibt es wahrscheinlich noch mehr."
    "Naja. Im Film schlüpft ein Facehugger aus einem Ei und befällt den Wirt. Und wo dieses Ei lag ... da gab es noch tausende andere Eier."
    Es wurde für einen Moment still im Rettungswagen. Nur das stetige Tropfen von Blut von der Pritsche maß die verrinende Zeit.
    "Wir müssen dieses Eier finden", stellte Yokai fest.
    Feist blickte unglücklich auf die explodierte Brust seines Patienten. "Ja, und zwar verdammt schnell."

    Poems are never finished.
    Just abandoned.


    • Dodo
      Dodo kommentierte
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      Ankh meets Alien ... *Konfettiiii* Oh, äh anderer Thread ...

    • SaKi
      SaKi kommentierte
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      Igäääh Nicht was ich mir vorgestellt hab bei der Eiersuche, aber durchaus sehr gut Ich bin nicht sicher, ob ich diese Art von Eiern suchen und finden wollen würde *hält sich schnell die Augen zu und singt lalala bei all dem Blut*

    • Lia Roger
      Lia Roger kommentierte
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      Ich mein, es ist toll geschrieben, es ist lustig, und es ist definitiv eine Eiersuche. Aber iiiiihhhhhhhhhhhh!

    Puh, bei der Infusion hab ich plötzlich Unmengen an Ideen bekommen die einfach raus mussten. Der Text ist lang - 2000 Wörter lang, um genau zu sein - und deshalb sag ich gleich im Voraus: 1) Niemand muss das ganze Ding lesen und 2) Ich erwarte auch keinerlei Textarbeit. Ich bin einfach endlich wieder in Schreiblaune gekommen, hab die Charaktere gern und wollte das ausnutzen, und dann ist das eine dieser Kurzgeschichten geworden die einfach raus wollen und ich dachte mir, ich kann sie auch gleich teilen.
    Allerdings hab ich für alle, die ein Bisschen was aber nicht so viel lesen wollen, einen kurzen Ausschnitt rausgesucht, den ich ganz witzig finde und den man hoffentlich auch so versteht.

    Oh, und noch etwas. An alle Menschen, die an Gott, Jesus und/oder den Teufel glauben: Es tut mir leid. Ich weiß nicht mal, was ich sonst noch dazu sagen soll, außer dass das hier natürlich reine Fiktion ist. Und es tut mir leid.


    'You ready?' Lucifer asked. 'Remember we can take a break or head back at any time.'
    'Yeah. Let's go.' Jesus took a deep breath and got out of the car. His legs were wobbly and he felt strangely detached from his body, unable to tell if it stood or walked or moved right, but he could walk. As they approached the festival area, he couldn't help but chuckle.
    'An egg hunt? Lucifer, you know I'm in my two thousand and thirties, right?'
    'All the more reason to be a kid again, don't you think?' Lucifer laughed and put a hand on his shoulder again, as if to keep him grounded. 'Adults are just big kids anyway. But there's an adult area with hidden booze and dope and some other things you might find cool as a grown-up child. And there's other stuff as well, food and music and a bonfire every night because of course there is, so you don't have to- '
    'No, no, let's do the egg hunt,’ Jesus interrupted his brother’s anxious ramble. ‘It's as good a distraction as any.'
    They bought two overpriced tickets and entered an overgrown meadow that had, most likely, been kept this way for the sole purpose of celebrating various holidays. They weren't alone, but the area was spacious enough to keep the other people - mostly tipsy youths and young adults - at a distance, and Jesus did his best to ignore them and focus on finding hidden treasures in egg-shaped boxes of various sizes and colours. Truly adult treasures, as he soon found out.
    'Creamy egg liqueur. In the sun. Ew.' Lucifer held up an egg-shaped bottle of advocaat he'd pulled out of a bush and grimaced. 'Way to go and make everyone sick.'
    'I think what I just found is not meant for me. I shall gift it to Maggie.'
    'And I shall wipe this exchange from my memory with the next alcoholic beverage I find. Provided it's a little less revolting.'

    Vollständige (lange) Version

    'How are you holding up?'
    Jesus leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. Hell's city blocks flew by at a pace that made his heart race and his head spin. He felt like he was in a shuttle being launched into the vast weightless nothingness that was space, pressed against the backrest with too much force, surrounded by too much movement and too much noise. Soon, there would be nothing to keep him on the ground and he would float away and disintegrate.
    'The usual,' he replied and forced himself to open his eyes and give his half-brother a smile. Lucifer nodded and patted him on the shoulder. Thankfully, he didn't say anything but instead started to hum a melody that sounded vaguely familiar. With a sigh, Jesus closed his eyes again and tried to focus on the music.
    He liked to think that he was, overall, a happy and high functioning man. He was cheerful and confident most of the year, and genuinely content with his life. It was only around Easter that he didn't just feel anxious, he became anxiety itself. After over 2000 Good Fridays, he'd experienced every symptom in the book and more, and even though he'd learned a few coping mechanisms over the years, he became immune to their effects after a while and then he had to learn new ones all over again. This year, he'd decided to do something he'd never done before - to face Easter.
    Not in Heaven, of course. He was being brave and not stupid, after all. Instead of staying in Urbs Sancta and enduring its religious celebration of his death, he'd decided to quite literally go to Hell and celebrate Easter in the most non-Christian way possible, with a combination of modern and pagan traditions and surrounded by demons. Oh, and with the devil, of course.
    He didn't know how much time had passed when the car came to a halt. The city blocks were gone and had been replaced by trees, bushes and cornfields.
    'You ready?' Lucifer asked. 'Remember we can take a break or head back at any time.'
    'Yeah. Let's go.' Jesus took a deep breath and got out of the car. His legs were wobbly and he felt strangely detached from his body, unable to tell if it stood or walked or moved right, but he could walk. As they approached the festival area, he couldn't help but chuckle.
    'An egg hunt? Lucifer, you know I'm in my two thousand and thirties, right?'
    'All the more reason to be a kid again, don't you think?' Lucifer laughed and put a hand on his shoulder again, as if to keep him grounded. 'Adults are just big kids anyway. But there's an adult area with hidden booze and dope and some other things you might find cool as a grown-up child. And there's other stuff as well, food and music and a bonfire every night because of course there is, so you don't have to- '
    'No, no, let's do the egg hunt,’ Jesus interrupted his brother’s anxious ramble. ‘It's as good a distraction as any.'
    They bought two overpriced tickets and entered an overgrown meadow that had, most likely, been kept this way for the sole purpose of celebrating various holidays. They weren't alone, but the area was spacious enough to keep the other people - mostly tipsy youths and young adults - at a distance, and Jesus did his best to ignore them and focus on finding hidden treasures in egg-shaped boxes of various sizes and colours. Truly adult treasures, as he soon found out.
    'Creamy egg liqueur. In the sun. Ew.' Lucifer held up an egg-shaped bottle of advocaat he'd pulled out of a bush and grimaced. 'Way to go and make everyone sick.'
    'I think what I just found is not meant for me. I shall gift it to Maggie.'
    'And I shall wipe this exchange from my memory with the next alcoholic beverage I find. Provided it's a little less revolting.'
    Jesus laughed, put the egg-shaped toy in his bag and walked towards a rock where he thought he’d seen something orange. His legs were still numb and jittery, and it was surprisingly tiring to walk on the uneven ground. He thought his body was bending over too much, but when he tried to adjust his posture he felt even shakier than before and became covered in cold sweat. A gust of wind made him shiver. Suddenly, he was painfully aware of the noise around him; children shrieking, people howling with laughter, mumbling and chattering in the distance, music blasted at an uncomfortably high volume, the bass pounding in his ears. And he was in the midst of it all, stuck in a field he was too tired to traverse.
    Shut up, he thought and tried to cover his ears, but his arms didn't seem to belong to him anymore. They felt alien and numb and refused to move, and he was defenceless against the influx of sensations and noise that seemed to get louder with every beat. Shrieks that made him flinch, pounding, thudding music that made him feel like his head was about to burst.
    Shut up, world.
    Too many thoughts in his head, and at the same time nothing, nothing at all, as they passed so fast he couldn’t hold on to a single one.
    Shut up, brain.
    A hand on his back guided him somewhere he couldn’t tell. His eyes were open and he could see the world around him, yet it was strange and far away and he couldn’t recognise a thing. Then, suddenly, he was sitting in the grass and listening to the same familiar melody he’d heard in the car. Only this time, it was sung in what he recognised as ancient Enochian, something about air or breathing. Yes. Breathe. He had to breathe.
    Slowly, ever so slowly, the Enochian song drowned out the other noise and he began to feel a little more real and like himself again. His surroundings no longer consisted of alien shapes and shadows; he was leaning against a tree, and next to him was his brother whose smile did a very poor job at concealing his concern. It was the twenty-first century, and he was on an Easter egg hunt in Hell, and he was okay. He was safe.
    ‘Better?’ Lucifer asked. Then he added, ‘Wow, my Enochian’s shite.’
    ‘A little. Thanks. And don’t worry, it sounded fine to me. My Hebrew’s worse anyway.’ Jesus smiled weakly and took another few deep breaths. He could still barely focus on a single thought, with many of them disappearing from his mind before he was able to utter them, but at least he didn’t feel like he was about to burst and disintegrate anymore. The air was cool and clean, and the noise of the festival and its other attendants was at a safe distance. He caught a glimpse of something blue in a nearby bush; probably another Easter egg, but he was too exhausted to get up and retrieve it.
    ‘I tried to learn Chinese once, you know, back in in the 2010’s I think,’ Lucifer went on. His hand was on Jesus’ shoulder again, its weight pulling him to the ground. Now that he’d calmed down a bit he felt exhausted and heavy and didn’t think he needed it anymore, but it was still comforting.
    ‘Yeah. A lot of people speak it, you know. But the alphabet, them fuckin’ ten thousand Kanji symbols, and there’s so many that look almost the same, they’d give me the worst headaches. Made me wanna kill myself.’
    ‘You really shouldn’t joke about that.’
    ‘I guess you’re right.’ Suddenly, Lucifer seemed very interested in the advocaat he was still holding. He stared at the kitschy lettering and the colourful drunken bunny printed on it as if his life depended on him not averting his gaze. Jesus opened his mouth to say something, but the thought escaped him before he could put it into words.
    ‘I’m sorry I brought you here,’ Lucifer said after an only slightly too long pause. ‘We can head home if you like.’
    ‘Don’t worry about it. I like it here. Plus I don’t think I would have felt any better if I’d stayed inside.’
    Lucifer nodded and put the bottle behind the tree for someone else to find.
    ‘Still. I should have known it could be an overkill.’
    ‘No, I should have known. And you know what? I did know.’ Jesus let out a sound that he didn’t immediately recognise as laughter. It sounded hoarse and shaky. ‘I just … I was just, I didn’t want to know, you know. I didn’t want to be that …’ The thought vanished before he could say it, and his head began to spin and float again.
    Words. Focus. One word after the other.
    ‘Hey, it’s okay. Take your time. We have all the time in the world.’
    ‘But I don’t want to. I don’t want to … struggle to get some words out, And I don’t … want to … be this broken and I feel like … I feel like …’ He had to pause to steady himself again. Take your time. Okay then. ‘I feel like … dad, or the bastards that … put me on the … you know. The cross.’ The grip around his shoulder tightened a little. ‘I feel like someone, or all of them, like they took … something from me. I don’t know what exactly, but there’s a hole, a whole lot of nothing where it should have been, and it’s just unbearable at times. You know what I mean?’
    ‘Yeah. Like a part of you’s died and you can never revive it again.’
    ‘Exactly! And sometimes, sometimes I just wanna scream and scream and scream, at dad or whoever, to give it back. I just, I just want it back. I want the emptiness gone.’ Only now did he realise that his vision was blurry. He blinked the tears away and forced himself to look at his brother despite knowing that he would not like the worry and pity Lucifer’s face would undoubtedly reflect. He did, indeed, look a little too sympathetic for Jesus’ liking, but it was surprisingly bearable.
    ‘Do you … do you think I’ll be broken forever?’ he asked weakly. Lucifer shrugged.
    ‘I don’t know. I wish I could tell you no, and that you’ll just heal and be just fine, but I don’t know.’ He paused and gripped Jesus’ shoulder even tighter as he tensed up. ‘Part of you might. But that’s just one little part that’s … wounded. Scarred. However you wanna put it, preferably with less pathos. And you know, you’re so much more than a wound or a scar.’
    Jesus didn’t respond to that at first, unable to come up with anything to say, and so they sat in silence. The breeze that had felt freezing before was comfortable cool now, and after a while, the noises no longer bothered him. It was almost nice and calming to know there were other people around. That he wasn’t alone
    ‘I don’t know,’ he said eventually. ‘If you’re right I guess I’d have to focus on what’s not broken and move on, but it’s so … it’s so painful sometimes, it’s impossible to ignore.’
    ‘Don’t ignore it then.’
    ‘Don’t ignore it if it’s something you can’t ignore. Cry if you have to cry, scream into a pillow, break stuff, curse the Heavens, lose your shit, whatever you gotta do to get it out of your system, just do it. Allow yourself to be broken, then breathe, and then try to shift your focus to what’s not broken.’ Lucifer’s voice had become shaky towards the end, and Jesus couldn’t tell what emotion hid behind his brother’s smile. But that was something he’d try to find out another time.
    ‘Okay. I will,’ he replied and took a deep breath. Breathe and then focus on what’s not broken. ‘I’ll cry and I’ll scream when I feel like it, but right now I feel like getting that egg over there.’ He pointed at the blue spot in the foliage. ‘I bet you ten quid it’s gonna be another bottle of advocaat.’
    ‘I bet you twenty it’ll be an adult toy.’
    ‘If it is you can give it to Joyce.’
    ‘Oh, ew. You’re disgusting.’
    Jesus laughed at the face Lucifer pulled and forced himself to get up. His body still felt a little strange, but he could feel his feet on the ground and move around however he wanted. He hurried towards the bush to retrieve the egg-shaped box, opened it and laughed when his gaze fell upon numerous chocolate eggs with a very familiar print on the wrapping.
    ‘We both lose. But it’s not a bad one at all.’
    Jesus took out two eggs before closing the box and gave one to Lucifer.
    ‘It’s edibles. And just so you know, I’m keeping the rest.’
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