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Freitagsinfusion #84: Symbol

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    Freitagsinfusion #84: Symbol

    Überlegt Euch, was alles symbolisch für Eure Geschichte und Eure Figuren sein könnte, egal, ob Ihr mit solchen Mitteln arbeitet oder nicht, und überfrachtet einen kleinen Absatz Eures Textes mit Andeutungen, Ausdeutungen, Auswalzungen dieser Symbole, egal, ob die Handlung dafür geeignet scheint oder nicht.
    Viel Spaß dabei!

    On the last day of the war, they hoisted a white flag. It looked out of place, pristine and pure as it was. A clean spot surrounded by carnage. After half a day it was stained by soot and burned on the edges, but it was enough for Heaven. It was enough to end three hundred years of bloodshed.
    The next day, it was replaced by a black flag with a red lily on it, and soon, all of Hell was covered in black and red. Hastily painted lilies were put up everywhere, on rooftops, graveyards, in city squares and former battlefields. A million lilies sprouted in people's yards, at their windows, on battlefields and on graves, one for each soldier that would never return, one for each civilian that was killed along the way. The women wore them in their hair, the men on the collar of their shirts, and each year Hell went eerily silent, save for the songs about lilies that could reduce a grown man to tears.
    It hadn't occurred to Lucifer that Heaven did the same. They had won the war, after all, so why would they grieve? He soon realised that it made sense, of course. Heaven put white roses everywhere because they, too, had lost too many people to the war. Because despite their victory, they had lost more than they'd gained from it. Because to their people, their dead loved ones were more important than beating an enemy.
    Lucifer had never told anyone that since he found out about the roses, he'd put both flowers on his windowsill (actually, he never told anyone he kept flowers at home at all. He had a reputation to keep after all). Every year on remembrance day, he wondered if maybe he could get away with wearing a rose and a lily pin on his lapel. He wanted to plant roses in every park, every garden, every backyard and every balcony of Beelz City, let them grow next to the lilies and cover the entire capital in red and white blossoms, and in his wildes fantasies, even all of Hell. We acknowledge your pain, they would say. Now please acknowledge ours.
    Reality caught up with him quickly whenever he had these thoughts, and he made sure to leave his little white rose pin locked away, unseen by the public eye. Maybe one day, he could wear it. But not today. He'd be overthrown in no time.

    [Kleine Anmerkung dazu: Der erste Teil heißt derzeit Burning Lilies, der zweite Burning Roses. Und Where have all the flowers gone ist ein Teil vom Soundtrack. ]
    Zuletzt geändert von Lia Roger; 02.08.2019, 20:41.
    There are many ways to make music.


    • Lia Roger
      Lia Roger kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      Das Projekt ist (noch) nicht soo symbolreich (das entsteht bei mir meistens beim Schreiben), aber ich dachte mir ich schreib das auf was ich hab. ^^

    • Sophia
      Sophia kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      Das gefällt mir sehr gut. I really like how you portray Lucifer. He doesn't seem all evil, but rather more human, with feelings, and with good and bad qualities. I already liked that in the other bit you showed us. I would really love to be a testreader once you're ready. This story, and especially your particular character portrayal of Lucifer intrigues me.

    • Lia Roger
      Lia Roger kommentierte
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      (I'm just gonna reply in English ^^)
      Awww, thanks Heh, you're spot on with your analysis. All my angels and demons are pretty much humans with a few gimmicks. Luci does have his flaws but he's not evil at all and he doesn't want people to suffer any more than your average human does. ^^
      I mean, I have a prologue and three chapters that I could send to you (just pm me if you wanna read them) but I'm a slow and inconsistent writer so I think I won't post the story anywhere until I've written more, I don't wanna post a chapter and then not upload for a whole year or so. XD
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